Posts by: Elaine Brisebois

Your endocrine system is made up of a network of glands, each of which secretes a type of hormone that regulates various functions in your body. You can think of hormones as “chemical messengers” that affect everything from your mood, the look and feel of your skin, your hunger, your digestion, and your energy levels,…

Our ability to successfully interact and connect with the people in our lives can positively influence our emotions, behavior, mental outlook, and overall health in innumerable ways. This is what is referred to as “Social Wellness”, and it involves engaging in and enjoying positive interactions with others, while also…

There’s no shortage of bad health advice floating around. And while a little bad nutrition advice may be harmless, certain nutrition myths adopted as truth by entire populations can be downright destructive. Here are 3 nutrition myths that are still alive and kicking today. Myth #1. Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease.…

The food we eat impacts our health in a myriad of ways. Everything from our mood to our energy levels to the look and tone of our skin is affected by our diet. The nutrients in our food are involved in the most intricate of bodily processes ranging from tissue repair to warding off infection to helping us think properl…

Looking to plan a fun and fulfilling March Break for your children without breaking the bank? There are tons of great activities you can do as a family to deepen your connection that doesn’t involve being glued to a smartphone, computer, or tablet. Check out the ideas below! 1. Be a Tourist Enjoy the perks of being a t…

A healthy sex life is important for reducing stress, building a healthy relationship with your partner, and improving overall wellbeing. But maybe at the end of the day all you want to do is come home and settle in for an evening of Netflix on the couch. Maybe you’re just not in the mood. Perhaps it’s stress, low-energ…

You are driving to the cottage to join your family and you suddenly get astrong urge to empty your bladder. It’s unbearable trying to hold it in to make it to the next exit. You wonder how long it will take to just find a washroom once you are off the highway. Men and women can suffer from urinary incontinence or an un…