Pain Relief

Consistent body pain reduces your quality of life. Allow us to help today with these articles and tips.

When it comes to pain, it is not fun. You may have to force a smile on your face if you are at work, or out at a gathering. Body pain is indeed quite draining on your life. It can affect your energy, your sense of vitality, and level of positivity. Below are my naturopathic tips for body pain relief. 1. Shift Your Mind…

Whether your pain begins suddenly such as after a traumatic accident, or whether it is gradual, such as related to repetitive strain on the job, it is debilitating. When pain persists, it can reduce your sleep, drain your energy, and affect your daily interactions with others as well as completing your daily tasks. Ove…

When it comes to your joints, we want them to bend and move smoothly and easily, without friction, and therefore without pain. You know if you are prone to joint pain after an intense game of squash, tennis, basketball, or after a jog outside or on the treadmill. Lets think of the knee joint for example: two large bone…