Posts Tagged ‘Exercise’

As a personal trainer and consultant I am often faced with clients who avoid exercising due to pain in their shoulders, wrists, knees, hips and back. Many factors can contribute to the pain, such as injury, overuse, or incorrect movements in daily activities. However, Arthritis with Osteoarthritis are the most common t…

The New Year is a great time for integrating new habits and rituals into our every day routine. And we don’t have to overhaul our lives all in one go either. In fact, small changes done consistently over time can add up to dramatic results in our overall health and wellbeing. Check out the list below to see if there ar…

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the celebrations, parties and social gatherings. While many people equate this time of year with over-indulgence and getting off track with their health goals, this doesn’t have to be the case at all. With the following tips, you can have your holiday cake (and eat it to…

The holiday season can be an extremely stressful time of year. With work deadlines looming, a packed social events calendar and hosting responsibilities, it’s very easy to lose yourself in the chaos. Take small steps to keep up your health and lifestyle routines and remember you don’t have to take the ‘all-or-nothing’…

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common forms of dementia affecting 747,000 Canadians. Memory loss is not a natural part of aging however, as you age, your brain will begin to shrink in size similar to how your muscles shrink if they are not challenged with physical activity. To reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s di…

With the cold, damp weather approaching your joints may begin to feel a familiar pain. Millions of people around the world suffer from some form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis which can affect adults as early as age 40; by the age of 70, most people experience some form of joint pain…

As we get older our bodies need a little guidance to maintain the mobility, strength and energy that provides us with the quality of life we desire. The majority of us wish to experience our day to day activities free of pain, to be able to enjoy our occasional exertions such as dancing, hiking or cycling and be left f…

Shall we start with the list of benefits? Or perhaps we can just talk about the fact that cycling is fun and feels good. Getting out of the house for a quick change of scenery can give our mood a great boost. Cycling through places we usually walk or drive through is a nice change of pace and perspective. And if you’re…

Swimming is a fantastic full body workout that can help with both your physical and mental health. Learn more now!

We brush our teeth because we would prefer to keep them. Also because we know it works. It is simple, keeps them white and shiny and prevents decay. So what are we doing for our bodies? There are so many exercises and types of routines. Where to begin? We are looking for that proverbial toothbrush. This series of exerc…