Posts Tagged ‘Joint Pain’

Inflammation is the body’s response to an unwanted stimuli. This response is mediated primarily by the immune system. The main objective of an inflammatory response is to encourage healing. Inflammation can be caused by infections, chemical/ radiation exposure and most commonly, physical injuries. Inflammation that occ…

Caring for your joints is vital to living a healthy and happy life. Use these natural tips to better care for your joints and live more comfortably. Click image to open in full size

It is an automatic association, when it’s cold outside most symptoms tend to feel worse. You all know people who can predict a storm coming hours before it happens, just by ‘feeling’ it in their joints ahead of time. Whether it is your arthritis, your headaches, or your mood, it’s a common sentiment and experience that…

For decades, chiropractors have been effectively treating people who have suffered from neck and back pain. The theory goes that if the spinal bones are misaligned, then the nerves coming out of the central spine experience pressure or interference, which triggers local back pain. When you correct the spine alignment,…

When it comes to your joints, we want them to bend and move smoothly and easily, without friction, and therefore without pain. You know if you are prone to joint pain after an intense game of squash, tennis, basketball, or after a jog outside or on the treadmill. Lets think of the knee joint for example: two large bone…