Posts Tagged ‘Joints’

Caring for your joints is vital to living a healthy and happy life. Use these natural tips to better care for your joints and live more comfortably. Click image to open in full size

With the cold, damp weather approaching your joints may begin to feel a familiar pain. Millions of people around the world suffer from some form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis which can affect adults as early as age 40; by the age of 70, most people experience some form of joint pain…

Your joints are complex and dynamic parts of your body – a combination of bones that meet without touching, divided by a soft cartilage, strapped together by ligaments and tendons. They allow your body parts to move with agility and precision (think of all of that texting), yet they are also relied upon for stability l…

There are hundreds of medical studies being carried out on the role of vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, on your health. Many are showing interesting associations. As a naturopathic doctor, I have found that vitamin D is one of the particularly important nutrients since the body converts it into an active hormone that i…

When it comes to your joints, we want them to bend and move smoothly and easily, without friction, and therefore without pain. You know if you are prone to joint pain after an intense game of squash, tennis, basketball, or after a jog outside or on the treadmill. Lets think of the knee joint for example: two large bone…