Posts Tagged ‘Mental Health’

It’s time to talk about men’s mental health. Mental health is not commonly discussed among men, including within doctors’ offices. The notion that men can feel sad, depressed, go through grief, or need to seek out mental health support has not been normalized. This needs to change. It may be surprising to know that mor…

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects 6-18% of people worldwide and is the most common gastrointestinal (GI) disorder seen in people who visit general practitioners for GI-related complaints. Symptoms of IBS vary from person to person, but include: Pain and cramping Diarrhea Constipation Alternating constipation and d…

The relationship between the mind and body is very complex. The mind itself is very complicated – that’s why psychology is its own science. Most of us are aware of the powerful relationship between the mind and body, but not to its full effect. We don’t necessarily think of how it relates to our own life, or why we mig…

Emotions are part of being human and men are no different. Of course, the male stereotype is to be strong and silent, however, there are physical and mental signs that something is not quite in balance – these are signs that something needs to change. In the course of any given year, an average of 3% of men experience…

No matter where you are in life, the fall season rarely fails to provide a variety of avenues into new experiences. First days of school, getting back to work, moving in, growing up, moving on… The condition of our physical body is a direct reflection of the ways in which we use them. So, amidst (what seems to be) the…

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of major depression that affects people in the darker months in autumn and winter. It can be quite disabling, reducing your mood and motivation so much that you may not get the pleasure from the activities you usually enjoy. You may feel overwhelmed with feelings of sadness,…