Posts Tagged ‘Rosemary’

Roasting carrots is one of the best ways to bring out their flavour, and this side dish brings them to life with the power of rosemary!   Ingredients: 2 bunches of small carrots (about 24), peeled 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. minced rosemary salt and pepper balsamic vinegar (optional) Preparation Instructions: 1). Preheat…

The summer heat, humidity and chlorine from pools can leave your hair feeling brittle, dry or greasy. Healthy hair starts with a healthy diet as well as good mineral and hormone balance. However, it’s also dependent on the products that we use topically. Many commercial products contain harsh chemicals such as alcohols…

Coffee, tea and other caffeine containing beverages are a staple for people around the world. Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant with the potential for addiction if overused. According to the DSM-5, the American Psychological Association’s diagnostic manual for mental disorders, caffeine addiction, known as caffein…

While most of us know by now that certain plants have medicinal value, few of us have made the jump from using these plants to growing them ourselves. After all, they are readily available online, in bulk at herb stores, and in the supplement department of various chain stores around the country. Although it can be eas…

It’s inevitable that as you get older, your brain’s function will begin to change. Some age related cognitive decline is normal, however in some older adults this cognitive decline may lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown that you can maintain healthy brain fun…

It’s BBQ season! Grilling meat is a summer past time for many, however truth be told, it does come with some health risks. In general, diets high in meat are associated with heart disease and when meat is cooked at high temperatures, cancer-causing chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are created. However, meat…