Posts Tagged ‘Salt’

“We need more Calgon!”. If you lived in the 70’s you undoubtedly remember this line from one of the decade’s most popular commercials. A quick trip to the corner store and you can pick up fabric softeners in a bottle, laundry detergent in a box, containers of air freshener, and spray bottles of cleaners – very convenie…

There’s no shortage of bad health advice floating around. And while a little bad nutrition advice may be harmless, certain nutrition myths adopted as truth by entire populations can be downright destructive. Here are 3 nutrition myths that are still alive and kicking today. Myth #1. Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease.…

It’s that time of year when we dread the sneezes and coughs from entering our personal air-space. Since you cannot control the hygienic behaviours of people around you, work on your self. In this article, I’ll describe the use of six natural ways to fortify your immune system to be prepared for this cold and flu season…