Posts Tagged ‘Stress’

It can be frightening when you first hear your doctor tell you that you have high blood sugar levels or pre-diabetes. Instead of being fearful and feeling helpless, take action and be proactive. Realize that this is an opportunity to make some bold and life-impacting changes. Here is my 4-step naturopathic plan to help…

Everyone wants to look and feel great and part of that includes maintaining or getting to a healthy weight. We know that eating right and exercising regularly are fundamental components to healthy weight management, but what else can help? In this article I will discuss a few useful strategies and supplements to consid…

It is estimated that over 1 billion people world-wide have high blood pressure. It increases your chance of getting a stroke and heart attack and is very important to resolve. It is true when it is as referred to as a ‘silent’ epidemic since you often don’t know it is elevated until you measure it. There are a number o…

There are a few aspects of a good immune system that we all know about: getting fewer colds and sore throats and resolving them quickly; absence of allergies and asthma; healing well from cuts and other injuries. Still other immune-related issues correspond to auto-immunity which is common in the area of thyroid and jo…

You know smoking is profoundly detrimental to your health. Often you wonder why you can’t seem to quit the habit. Some say it ‘calms the nerves’ while others say it helps with their weight, or is part of their social scene, or it’s what they grew up with. Ultimately, it’s a personal choice and when you are ready, below…

Sex drive or libido is a natural feeling that adults experience. There are times however when libido wanes and it becomes difficult to engage in intimate relations with your partner. It is distressing for both partners but there are some effective naturopathic solutions that you can incorporate to promote a more consis…

When my patients ask me about losing weight, they already know that the basics are to eat better and exercise more. Unfortunately for most, this ends up becoming a short term project and the weight either doesn’t come off or comes back on. There are some common problems that I have seen which prevent people from losing…

Nightmares are intense and vivid dreams that awaken you with negative feelings such as fear, anxiety, anger or sadness. You may also find yourself with your heart pounding and breathing quite fast… it is definitely a disturbing and even terrifying experience. Dreams, including nightmares, occur during the rapid eye mov…

As we age, it’s natural to develop some sagging in our body. This happens for a few reasons: loss of muscle tone, thinning of the skin, reduced hydration of the skin, and loss of the fat layer under the skin. We notice this effect most on our faces, unfortunately. It is not all inevitable, and you do not have to resort…

Walt Disney said,“if you can dream it, you can do it.” It makes you wonder how dreams can be useful for stimulating creativity, improving performance, and promoting mental emotional and possibly physical wellbeing. Before you can dream, you must be able to sleep. More than sleep, is having an adequate amount of sleep,…