Posts Tagged ‘Turmeric’

Turmeric is a fascinating food. Many studies show that Turmeric – and its main active ingredient, curcumin – has major benefits for the body and brain, including powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Learn more about the natural health benefits of turmeric below!

If you’ve ever eaten curry, you’re likely no stranger to turmeric. Not only does this spice lend its distinct flavour and rich golden colour to delicious curry dishes, it’s also played an important role in ancient medical practices like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. The use of turmeric dates back nearly 40…

If your car didn’t have an oil filter, or if it wasn’t changed regularly, your engine life would shorten and cause other parts to fail – this is quite similar to part of the roles your kidneys play for your body. In this article, I’ll explain the importance of your kidneys to your overall health, risk factors and signs…

I used to suffer from rosacea, around my nose and on my cheeks. After feeling dependent on makeup and embarrassed to be bare skinned I decided I needed to seek some natural treatments to help heal and soothe my inflamed skin. Inflammation in skin can be a sign that you’re experiencing inflammation within your gut. The…

Heart disease affects everyone – it may not affect you, but it may affect your spouse, a parent, your friend, a co-worker. In the United States, heart disease is the number one cause of death accounting for 25% of deaths. In Canada, it is the number two cause of death, accounting for 21% of deaths. February is Heart an…

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world. Approximately 40% of North Americans die due to cardiovascular disease. However, heart disease is seen as being mostly preventable. There are many factors involved that relate to your risk for developing cardiovascular disease, particularly exer…