Posts by: Elaine Brisebois

As the days become darker earlier and the temperature drops, it’s only natural to crave more downtime spent indoors. But while nesting can be cozy, the lack of sunlight and physical activity can impact everything from our energy levels, mood, and immune health, leaving us more susceptible to the colds and flus that are…

Did you know that April marks IBS Awareness Month? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder that’s estimated to affect 10-20% of North Americans. IBS is the most common gastrointestinal disorder, affecting more women than men, and accounts for up to 50% of referrals to gastroenterologists. Individu…

Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for approximately 90% of all cases. It’s a metabolic disorder, characterized by insulin resistance and fasting elevations in blood sugar levels, and if left untreated can result in a number of serious health complications. The good news is that this form o…

Building a healthy and strong relationship takes time and effort. If you want to cultivate a meaningful relationship that endures the test of time consider the following practices. 1. Favor Quality Time, Over Quantity It doesn’t really matter if you see each other every day, or even if you live under the same roof. It’…

The New Year is a great time for integrating new habits and rituals into our every day routine. And we don’t have to overhaul our lives all in one go either. In fact, small changes done consistently over time can add up to dramatic results in our overall health and wellbeing. Check out the list below to see if there ar…

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the celebrations, parties and social gatherings. While many people equate this time of year with over-indulgence and getting off track with their health goals, this doesn’t have to be the case at all. With the following tips, you can have your holiday cake (and eat it to…

Step up your baking game this holiday season with these simple and delicious substitutes. Holiday baking just got a whole lot healthier. Enjoy! Sugar Swap Sure, we all love our sweet treats over the holidays but many recipes call for an unnecessarily high amount of sugar. In many cases, you’ll find that you can cut up…

Do you frequently find yourself exhausted before your workday is even over? Does the idea of settling in on the couch for the evening in front of the TV sound a heck of a lot better than heading to the gym or out to dinner with friends? Have you ever been tempted to pull a George Costanza and curl up under your desk at…

Satisfy your hunger and avoid dips in blood sugar with the following healthy snacks. Whether you’re at the office, at school, or running errands around town, these snacks are perfectly portable and will help keep the belly growls at bay until your next meal. These snacks provide a nice balance of healthy carbs, protein…

Ah, carbohydrates. Has another macronutrient ever been more vilified? Well perhaps fat, but it seems that carbohydrates are currently stealing center stage. Are carbs really as bad as some people say? Should you be eating low carb or no carbs at all? If you’re confused about carbs you’re definitely not alone. The reali…