Posts by: Dr. Olivia Rose

What is a Yeast Infection? A vaginal yeast infection is a common condition experienced by females at least once in their lifetime and it occurs due to the overgrowth of Candida albicans – a yeast that normally thrives in small numbers in the vagina. Your vagina also naturally contains bacteria such as Lactobacillus aci…

Trying to quit smoking is a tough thing to do, however, keep in mind that it can be done. According to the Centre for Disease Control there are currently more former smokers than current smokers. Nicotine is the addictive drug that is found in tobacco and it is just as addictive as heroin and cocaine. Due to the physic…

Spring has sprung! And while most people rejoice at emerging out of the winter slump and celebrating the spring blooms, as an allergy sufferer you most likely brace yourself for an onslaught of allergy symptoms. Seasonal allergies affect between 20 to 25% of Canadians and according to a 2012 study in the Journal of Rhi…

Hot flashes can be described as the sudden onset of intense heat and sweating experienced in the torso, neck and face that often disrupts your quality of life. Beginning in the years leading up to menopause, known as perimenopause, hot flashes can last for 5 to 10 years after menopause occurs. Menopause is the permanen…

PMS is a familiar 3 letter acronym among menstruating women. It stands for premenstrual syndrome and it is characterized by a wide array of symptoms that you typically experience on a monthly basis up to 2 weeks prior to the start of your period. According to the Mayo Clinic, 75% of menstruating women have experienced…

As you age changes in your body and hormones can negatively impact your sex life. As you enter your golden years, you may find that some sexual activities become more challenging than when you were younger. If this is the case, the first step is to start an open conversation with your partner and with your health care…

Your urinary bladder is the hollow, muscular reservoir for your urine that sits in your lower pelvis. You may not consider it to be an important organ and in fact, you may not spend much time pondering its use at all. However, if your bladder does not work properly, as in conditions such as urinary incontinence or a bl…

Weight gain, hair thinning, and fatigue are symptoms that women may experience in both menopause and hypothyroidism. Both conditions can strike at around the same time, in middle age women, with 51 being the average age of onset for menopause in North America. Although menopause and hypothyroidism can often occur aroun…

Your scalp is the skin that covers your head that does not include your face. It contains an average of 100 000 hair follicles and within each follicle is the root of your hair. Healthy hair strands begins with a healthy scalp and just like the skin on the other parts of your body, your scalp needs to be properly cared…

Osteoporosis is the deterioration of bone tissue and a loss of bone mass which happens over time. According to Osteoporosis Canada, one in 3 women and one in 5 men will suffer a broken bone due to osteoporosis in their lifetime. Natural bone loss typically begins after the age of 35 and once in menopause, women tend to…